Networking - Can It Help Your Business?

Here at Abacus, we pride ourselves in keeping in contact with our current clients, but also in developing relationships with new potential clients. Networking events are a great way to meet new people face to face and, over time, these contacts may just become key pieces in the puzzle to developing and promoting your business.

Why Network?

·         We recently went to a networking event which allowed us to meet various other local businesses and professionals. These events not only help us to meet new prospects but also to understand the vast types of businesses we have locally and the challenges they face.

·         Networking can help get your company name out to people who you may not have been able to reach in other ways.


·         A good thing about most networking events is that there is normally a limit on the number of businesses who can attend offering the same product or service - so you will be in an environment where the competition is fairly limited.


How to Network?

·         Remember everyone at these events is in the same boat; you are all there to meet people so be bold and strike up conversations – even if it’s about the weather to start with. From there just ask people what they do – then you can find out more about them and tell them more about you.

·         When talking about your business, make sure you relate it to the person you are talking to and their needs as far as possible. They need to see you are passionate about what you do – but also that it has benefit to them.

Every contact is a good contact

·         You may meet people who initially seem they won’t need your services or be able to offer you anything you need – but you never know. They may be able to introduce you to others with a need for your services or help you in ways you wouldn’t necessarily think of to start with.


How do I find a networking event?

·         Keep an eye out for both local networking events and those events set-up for particular sectors that you may target. These can often be found in local papers or magazines, free pamphlets through your door, posted online through social media and even just through word of mouth.


·         If you are interested in local Essex networking events we would be happy to discuss those we attend with you to help get you started.


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